mon october 24

toast with peanut butter and strawberry jelly.
ethiopia yirgecheffe konga.
double espresso, chocolate foam.
chocolate chip sesame circle.
leftover roasted broccoli,
stir fried bok choy with egg, brown rice,
remaining half of Jokerz bar.
raspberry yogurt.
2 slices of avocado toast,
red wine,
mocha coconut frozen dessert,
home brew,
potato chips.

sunday october 23

pumpkin pop tart.
ethiopia yirge. konga coffee.
blue corn tortilla chips.
taste of lemon yogurt.
breakfast muffin,
carrot cupcake, all at Riverwest co-op.
half of Jokerz bar.
tortilla chips and variously hued salsas.

roasted broccoli with balsamic vinegar,
sweet potato and peanut soup.

saturday october 22

oatmeal cookie.
two fried eggs with potato cake,

fresh tomato salsa,
apple with peanut butter.
black licorice scottie dogs.
blue corn tortilla chips.
samples of various red wines.
roasted delicata squash stuffed with green olives, caramelized onions and quinoa,

creamed swiss chard,
garlic toast,
red wine.
practice pumpkin pop tart.

friday october 21

double espresso with chocolate, foam.
dark chocolate covered coconut oskri bar.
stir fried bok choy with egg, brown rice.

half of strawberry toaster pastry.
tortilla chips.
salmon with honeycrisp apple salsa,
ginger basmati rice,
butter lettuce salad with marcona almond, balsamic,
star lane white wine.
bourbon and soda.
ketel one presse.
blue corn tortilla chips.